• Customized Procurement Websites

    Accion Group’s sophisticated procurement websites are custom-built for each competitive solicitation, ensuring a 100% paperless, comprehensive, and secure process built to fit your needs.
OUR Capabilities

With more than forty years of in-depth experience in electric, gas, and water utilities, Accion Group’s diverse consortium of consultants provides insightful, candid, and practical advice to the utility industry and their associated government regulatory bodies. Accion provides a wide range of services within the energy sector, and is uniquely positioned to meet your needs.

Consultants To The Energy Industry
What We Do

Accion Group provides a range of services including competitive procurement, independent regulatory oversight, utility management, construction monitoring, and nuclear decommissioning. For more than 20 years Accion has acted as Independent Evaluator or Independent Administrator in more than 100 energy solicitations across 25 states. Our consultants are experts in their fields with decades of experience in the energy industry and are uniquely positioned to monitor and evaluate power solicitations, testify before regulatory bodies, and provide real world solutions to today’s challenges. When you want more than theory, Accion is here to meet your needs.

Customized Solutions

Accion Group is a pioneer in energy solicitations and first launched its custom-built procurement websites more than 15 years ago. Accion’s competitive procurement websites are tailored to fit each solicitation, and provide a comprehensive, secure, beginning-to-end paperless bidding process. Our proprietary website structure provides all bidders with access to the same information at the same time and maintains comprehensive records of all website activity. All data is securely held and is time-and-date-stamped for regulatory review, providing peace of mind to all participants as well as a fair and un-biased process.

Our Projects

Accion Group is currently engaged with several companies, regulators, and utilities across the country for industry projects and competitive solicitations.  Click below to view our ongoing and recently completed projects.

Georgia Power Company Capacity 2022-2028 RFP
Registration is now available for the GPC 2022-2028 Capacity Request For Proposals.
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View Current Projects
Registration to Duke Energy Competitive Procurement of Renewable Energy Program is currently available.
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View Past Projects

Our clients’ needs are diverse and unique to them; our consulting model adapts to create customized solutions to meet those needs. Accion Group fosters relationships with industry leaders including utilities, regulators, and our clients to stay abreast of trends and move hand in hand to the future of energy regulation and solicitation.

Our Experience

For more than 20 years Accion Group has provided consulting services to utilities and regulators nationwide in both conventional and renewable energies.

About Us
Our team

Accion Group’s diverse team of consultants have a breadth of experience in the energy sector, ensuring that we fully appreciate the needs of ratepayers, stakeholders, and regulators.

Meet Our Team